Quality, Health, Safety & Security Policy

The Management and staff of Citic Engineering Pte Ltd are committed to the concept and practice of total quality, health and safety (QHS) throughout our organization and complying with relevant legislation and other requirements.

We are committed to implement, maintain and continually improve our Integrated Management System (IMS) and QHS performance thereby upholding this QHS policy and achieve the following:


We are committed to provide our customers with highest quality and reliable works, services and products. We shall strive for integrated quality assurance and exceeding our clients’ expectation. We shall constantly improve relations with our clients, employees, partners and shareholders. We are committed to look for feedback from both internal and external clients regarding our quality and services.

Health and Safety

We are committed to ensure health and safety is on top of our priority. Every employee is responsible for safeguarding his own safety as well as that of his colleagues and third parties. Any accident or injury is unacceptable and must be prevented. Investigation of the causes must always result in taking suitable prevention measures. Any incident without injury or near misses has to be investigated as well to ensure no accident could occur.

We recognize that the responsibilities for quality, environment, health and safety are shared, requiring cooperation, not only between employees and their supervisors, but among and between all those who assume the various roles within the company. Citic Engineering Pte Ltd will continually improve its IMS and its performance. This will include the setting of QHS objectives, taking into consideration our QHS footprint and our business, financial, operational and legal requirements as well as the views of interested parties.


We are further committed to incorporating SGSecure into the company culture in preparing the workforce, protecting the workplace and partnering with community against security threats.

Albert Chin
Managing Director
1st February 2020